
This website is a spare time activity created to make my most enjoyable hobby much better and to also help those who enjoy motorcycle trackdays. I have a day job which currently helps to fund this so it is currently provided on a best-endeavours basis. There are currently a few bugs and layout issues to resolve, but please bear with me and we’ll get these fixed and make this work much better. Hopefully you can still get to the information you need.

The list of known bugs is listed at the bottom but if you spot any other bugs please let us know using the contact form.

The intention is for this to become a positive members only site to keep the quality and the usefulness high. We would love you to help out if you are an avid trackday rider and have the join code sent to you. Without the correct join code you will be unable to join.

As this site will incur significant cost as membership increases we will charge to maintain and improve the speed, reliability and functionality of the site. Those of you who join early will get a better deal for the subscription as early adopters. As the numbers rise so the work involved and the hardware will need to be improved so we will gradually raise the cost to cover this. Therefore joining sooner will put you at an advantage and it is also an incentive for you to help get this initiative off the ground.


This is an exclusive invite only members site as we do not want non-trackday riders spamming the content and so we can keep the content relevant. You can only be invited by another member who will give you a code to use on the registration page – see below.

The sooner you join the better as we are discounting the cost for early joiners. As we reach set membership thresholds the cost will increase so by joining today you lock in the lowest possible cost.

In the first instance I would suggest that you register and then mark all the events that you have attended. This will allow you to add notes, laptimes and rate the event. This can then be used by others to help choose future events.

Then start to invite people you know using the code on the My Profile page and from there build your friends and buddy groups.

Invite Code:

You will need an invite code to be sent to you by either an existing member or by us. You can request one from us by sending an email request to membership@ontrackmoto.info and attach or forward proof of track day attendance e.g. a screenshot or an email of a receipt or confirmation email from a track day organiser.


If you have any ideas or suggestions please let me know. If you spot anything that doesn’t work correctly kindly advise.

If there are events that you know of or have attended that we are missing you can either let me know or add them yourself using the menu link once you are a member

Known Bugs:


  • Some pages not in chronological order of events


  • The burger menu in the top left loses focus when you click on an option with suboptions. Ensure you click on the “v” at the end of the option if one is shown or you can turn your mobile/tablet to landscape and you then have access.